
Here's what you'll find in this newsletter

First, thank you for being here!

I haven’t kept up a blog since I was 16 and feeding my angst into LiveJournal, and that’s one form of nostalgia I refuse to entertain. But I do want a way to let people know what’s going on with my writing that isn’t so tied up in the whims of a social media algorithm, so here we are.

Here’s my promise to you: I won’t spam your inbox, and will instead send roughly one email per month that includes any articles or short fiction I’ve published that month, one awesome book I’m really feeling and want to shout about, and any other writing-related updates.

That’s it! I’ll even put the most important info in the subject line so you don’t have to open it if you don’t want the details.

I may write a special post here and there about a given topic that’s close to my heart or that I’ve been chewing on re: publishing, horror fiction, etc. etc. but I’ll wrap those up in the monthly update so you can find them at your leisure. Onward!